Reminder: Roadworks on the St 2132 between Bodenmais and Langdorf - starting on Monday

From July 29, construction work will be taking place on the St 2132 between Bodenmais and Langdorf. The road surface will be renewed on behalf of the Passau State Construction Office, Deggendorf service center. The work is expected to take six weeks, during which time the road will be closed to traffic. The detour is signposted.

Between Bodenmais, Böhmhof junction, and Langdorf, the carriageway on the St 2132 is being renewed. The existing asphalt surface will be milled off over a section of around 5 km and replaced with a new base and surface course. The verges will also be reinforced and the crash barriers renewed. A bridge will also be renovated in the construction area to avoid additional road closures and obstructions in future. The costs for the entire project amount to around 1.7 million euros.

For reasons of work and traffic safety, a full closure of the section of road is necessary. Traffic will be diverted from Bodenmais via Böbrach (St 2136) to Teisnach and Linden (REG 3), from Linden via the B 85 near Patersdorf to Regen and from there on the St 2135 to Langdorf. The detour is the same in the opposite direction.

The Passau State Building Authority asks all affected road users to observe the closure period and use the signposted detour route.

Further information on road closures / detour / projects etc. can be found at

Enclosure: Diversion plan


Sabine Süß
Press Officer
Passau State Building Authority

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